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Galilee 2011 THEME:ALL THINGS ARE YOURS a place of supernatural encounter, Jesus said, tell my disciples let's meet in Galilee.

There will be an outpouring of God's blessing during Galilee 2011 in Ussa City as Prophet Nahum Dansule will be hosting this great men of God.

Apostle Thomas Meares (USA)


  Apostle George Paige (South Africa)

Prophet Nahum Dansule (HOST)

Galilee was the boyhood home of Jesus Christ our soon coming king.Why Galilee because as many as received Jesus Christ in Galilee 2011 to them gave he power to become the sons of God,even unto them that believe on his name.God is going to  rise for himself new sons and daugters in Galilee 2011.

All the disciples of Jesus with exception of Judas Iscariot,come from Galilee.The anointing to discover your destiny is in Galilee.Simon Peter and his partners had been fishing all night and caught nothing.Now in the broad daylight, this carpenter son,this religious teacher, the great provider of needs,Jesus tells him to try again.When Peter and his partners obeyed the voice, they caught a great many fish.Peter was so surprise that he said to Jesus Depart from me, for iam a sinful man,o Lord.But Jesus told Peter to follow Him and soon he name Peter as one of the twelve apostle.What a wonderful opportunity to discover your destiny.
Jesus perform His first  miracle in Canna of Galilee.Galilee  is a place of physical manisfestation of God's glory. What so ever your case maybe, I guarantee you in Jesus name, Divine encounter awaits you during this great event.
Jesus  Christ 33 great miracles were performed in Galilee.There will be an awesome manisfestation of His power in Takum.
But after i am risen again, i will go before you into Galilee.Jesus is already waitting for you in Galilee come and recive your miracle.